
equip/command is an optional library used for implementing commands in Equip.


CommandInterface is an interface implemented by all command classes. It provides an immutable structure containing command options that can ultimately be executed.

Many of the methods of CommandInterface are implemented in AbstractCommand, which serves as a base class for command class implementations.

Getting Options

The options() method can be used at any time to obtain an associative array of the options held by a command instance.

$options = $command->options();

Changing Options

Using the withOptions() method, it's possible to obtain a new command instance from an existing one with its options completely replaced.

$new_command = $old_command->withOptions([ /* ... */ ]);

The addOptions() method functions in a similar fashion except that it merges the provided options with those of the existing command instance rather than replacing them.

$new_options = [ /* ... */ ];
$new_command = $old_command->addOptions($new_options);
// $new_command now contains options from both the return value of
// $old_command->options() and $new_options

Note that, in the above example, if a key exists in both $old_command->options() and $new_options, the value from $new_options would be used in $new_command.

Checking for Options

If you need to check for a value without retrieving its value, use the hasOption() method.

if ($command->hasOption('option_name')) {
    // ...

The requiredOptions() method is intended to be used internally by the options() method to confirm that all required options are present. More specifically, requiredOptions() returns an array of strings and options() checks that each value from that array exists as a key in the options of the command instance. If not, options() will throw an instance of CommandException.

Executing Commands

Once a command class has been instantiated and option values provided in whatever way is appropriate for that particular command class, the execute() method can be invoked to execute the command. execute() may return a value if it's appropriate to the command class implementation.

$result = $command->execute();

Basic Example

Here's an example of a command class.

use Equip\Command\AbstractCommand;

class FizzbuzzCommand extends AbstractCommand
    public function requiredOptions()
        return [

    public function execute()
        $options = $this->options();
        $quantity = $options['quantity'];

        // ...

Command classes are tended to be injected (using Auryn) into and receive options from other classes. Here's an example of a domain class that does this.

use Equip\Adr\DomainInterface;

class MyDomain implements DomainInterface
    private $command;

    public function __construct(FizzbuzzCommand $command)
        $this->command = $command;

    public function __invoke(array $input)
        $options = [];

        // populate $options using $input

        $result = $this->command
            ->withOptions($options) // or addOptions($options)

        // populate and return payload like normal

Command classes can handle assigning any applicable default option values internally. Other classes can add to those defaults using the command addOptions() method or replace them entirely using the command withOptions() method.